Try replacing the command CLS with the commands TAB or BELL and watch - listen what happens. ‘Stamp directive to tell the system you are using the BS2ĭEBUG “The program has just reached subroutine number 1”, CRĭEBUG “The program has just reached subroutine number 2”, CRĭEBUG “The program has just reached subroutine number 3”, CRĭEBUG CLS ‘indicates to clear the debug screen.īelow is the variety of things you can do with DEBUG and try some other words and write a brief poem (a concrete poem) to the computer which you can then download and expresses your excitement with this new capability to have your computer talk to the BS2 and have the BS2 talk back. If you use the BS2e, BS2sx, or BS2p, you should enter one of the following lines into your code, respectively: You must select the stamp version you would like to use. Internal website statistics show that BSX files are most popular with users in China and those running the Windows 10 operating system. This is a kind of a code-based handshake in machine language. Primarily, a BSX file extension is a type of PBASIC Preprocessor Output file developed for the BASIC Stamp Windows Editor software program by Parallax. Before you begin programming you must communicate to the Software and hardware which of the many families of Stamps you are using.